The US-Japan Alliance in the Trump Era
Nov 01, 2019 / 3:00pm - 5:00pm
This event is co-sponsored by the UVA East Asia Center and the US-Japan Research Institute
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe has thus far managed to maintain an exceptionally good relationship with U.S. President Donald Trump. Professor Murata will discuss how the two leaders have leveraged their personal ties to keep the relationship on an even keel, while also discussing, first, the challenges raised to bilateral relations by Japanese and American domestic politics; and second, the challenges created by changes in the international environment, including the rise of China, tensions between Japan and
South Korea, and North Korean provocations.
Koji Murata is currently Professor of Political Science, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan and a member of the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) Board of Governors. He has been President of Doshisha University as well as Dean of the Faculty of Law. Professor Murata’s areas of expertise include US-Japan alliance history, American foreign policy, and history of politics and films in the United States. He has published many books and articles, and received the Suntory Academic Award, Yoshida Shigeru Award, and Shimizu Hiroshi Award from the Japan Association for American Studies.